“My Spiritual Teachers and Angels have been with me, since before my birth preparing me, and at my birth and thereafter.  There came a time when I was almost seven years of age that one of my Celestial Teachers came to me and told me that he was leaving and would come back to me as an adult.  It was explained to me that they were going to pull the Veil down over my Third Eye.  They didn’t want me to endure ridicule, because of what I would see and what I would then, say to people during my transformative years.  They felt that I would go so far inside myself, that it would be difficult to bring me back out.  I still retained all of my other sensitivities though, and the knowingness.

“On May 7, 1995, I awoke and looked at my digital clock and it was exactly 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday.  My husband was away at work.  I thought to myself, why am I waking up so early?  It is Saturday, and I can sleep in.  At the time, I was working at a Hospital.  I raised up onto my elbows, looked down at the foot of my bed and saw a huge male Lion staring back at me.  After a whispered colorful exclamation, my mind started to try and make sense of a Lion being in my bedroom.  My heart jumped in my chest and started pounding with fright.  I was afraid to take my eyes off of him, for fear that he was going to jump upon the bed and eat me.  I started thinking that there must have been a circus in town and the kids left the door open and he somehow had gotten in the house and upstairs.  I kept staring at him and he just had this placid look on his face: a loving look.  After about 7 minutes, he just slowly faded from view.  I told my kids what had happened.  A few days later, I was standing at the sink doing dishes and I thought to myself; who was that Lion and what was that all about?  Just a second later, I heard in my left ear, a male voice that said, ‘It was me.’ I jumped sideways, startled and said, ‘Who is me?’ He said, ‘I am Archangel Ariel and I am here to teach and to protect you.’  Being the logical person that I am, I later went to my computer and searched for his name, which I found to mean, ‘Lion of God.’  That was interesting, considering that I was a Leo.  From there, each of the Teachers and Angels would present themselves either through dream-vision or they would physically manifest. They made the statements:  ‘You will know us by our number.’ ‘You will know us by our eyes.’  Later, I learned to know them by their physical signature of energy and or smell.” ~ Amayah

One of the Sacred Seven said:

“If numbers are to be used, the Chaldean is the most accurate, but not completely because of other determining factors.”