Tag Archives: christ

Christ Is The Center Of This Universe

                “Christ is the Center of this Universe both In and Out.” “The Light of Christ is the outward expression illuminating the formed units.  This is for the Group.  Constancy will be a … Continue reading

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Archangel Chamuel – Channeled Excerpt

            Photo © Angel F. Zayas http://angels.about.com/od/AngelsReligiousTexts/p/Meet-Archangel-Chamuel.htm Archangel Chamuel, known as the angel of peaceful relationships, often appears in art with a heart symbol. People sometimes ask for Chamuel’s help to: discover more about God’s … Continue reading

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Thank The Lord

              05-05-09 Guidance given by the Master Teachers Thank the Lord, for all the good things that are in your life. Concentrate, on all of the positive, and only think of the negative; what you … Continue reading

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Keep Your Mind on the Ideal

              The Spiritual Masters spoke of this 02-17-09.  God, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Masters, Guides and Angels will guide you if you let them. “We desire to attend to each of you … Continue reading

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