The Spiritual Masters spoke of this 02-17-09. God, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Masters, Guides and Angels will guide you if you let them.
“We desire to attend to each of you now; meaning to assist us; to attend to our needs. We are here to lend Inspiration, Knowledge, Healing, the Learning of Lessons, Energy; of late, Color and the Sacrifice of Spirit to Spirit. This follows the passage in the Bible of, Lean not unto your own understanding, but unto God. All things are possible with God. Your human intellect cannot start to perceive the bountiful knowledge, energy, love; the omnipotence, of who God is. If you want to learn and to grow and to be calm, go into meditation and there, is where we will help you. Spirituality is a part of you; it is not separate from you. It is no different than the breath that you breathe. It should be a part of your daily life. Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened. As you seek, you will find the answer. Know that we watch you all the time. Each individual is given challenges as a way for them to learn and to grow. This should never be perceived as being negative. See it as a Fire of Potential; to inspire you, to open up your Mind, to encourage you and ultimately to grow. Remember to keep things in perspective.
Don’t allow the Mind to go into melodrama. Subdue the Ego Mind. Attend to your daily tasks, but allow for your Spiritual Self to be nourished. You are not tested beyond your ability to cope. When you start to feel weak; ask for help, ask for understanding. All of these things can be given to you. All you have to do is ask. Don’t worry with the minute details. Keep your Mind on the Ideal, and all of the little pieces will fall together and provide the Path for you to walk. Be of assurance that we will not allow you to stumble and fall.
~ Amayah