About Amayah
In the Appalachia, there is folklore, which describes babies born with the veils covering the eyes and when it is present, they are always “Seers.” I was born with the veils covering my eyes and I was fully conscious at my birth in Tennessee. I am of Native, French, Scot-Irish & German descent. Later it would be made known to me that both my Scottish maternal grandmother was a Seer & Healer, and my Native paternal great-grandmother was a Seer.
An Arch Angel that protects me appeared at the foot of my bed as a huge male lion at 7:00 a.m. on the morning of May 7, 1995. We stared at each other for about 7 minutes; then he just slowly faded from view. Later I would learn that his name was Ariel, which means, “Lion of God.” My Teachings (remembrance) would encompass; Seeing, Healing and Ancient Knowledge of both the Earth & the Universes.
One of the Spiritual Masters said, “It is a part of you, not separate from you.” I have been completely spiritually taught by Christ and many Arch Angels, Teachers, Masters and Goddesses; of Service to the Light. As I was instructed; I am to teach, as I have already been taught.
I remember who I am, and why I chose to come again.

“I support people who are actively developing their fullest potential. I do this by teaching healing modalities, and intuitive development through the honoring and awareness of Self.”
"I had a derailing experience that I was truly at a loss to solve. You assessed the problem and came with tools, wisdom, and openness to bring order, balance and peace to the situation. I am ever grateful for your support and your willingness to serve for the higher good of all concerned. Thank you again and again. Many blessings to you and those you are teaching." -Anna
"I have been very blessed to have known you in my life. Your spiritual wisdom has helped me on my path. In addition, your strong personal courage and love for others has transferred into me and allowed me to be a better person. Thank you for all you do for your fellow beings. You are an inspiration to us all!" -Corine
"After one reading with Angela, my life seems much richer due to me having more knowledge about where I'm from, my guides and helpful tools. I've received many readings, but Angela's reading was at a whole new level, introducing me to a wonderfully different outlook on my life. I look forward to more readings from Angela!" - Marci C.